Here are a few recent clients and associates, including testimonials
Life is tough. Being able to manage obstacles and negative triggers is key to having a balanced mind, body, and soul. My practices with Christine have reminded me to pause, breathe, and simply just "be," so I may fully enjoy and accept life with all of its trials and tribulations. I treasure the warmth and blue skies when it's sunny and find beauty in weathering the storm when it pours. :) Thank you so much, Christine. ❤
A.W. 2nd Grade Teacher SPUSD
As a teacher, I was able to help kids through struggles on the playground more efficiently. The students really responded to the breathing techniques and compassion and heartfulness practices they had been exposed to. They were able to tap into those experiences and work through conflicts more effectively.
I have personally benefitted from the mindfulness curriculum. I believe it has helped to make me a better teacher and overall person.
K.P. 2nd Grade Teacher SPUSD
[My daughter] looked forward to each session with Christine and would share things about it with me after school. I ask her to tell me what she learned and uses regularly from those sessions. She said, “It helped me to recognize when I am stressed, and I learned to take 5 mindful breaths. Then I was able to calm myself down after that.”
J.R. Parent of 5th grade student
I have seen my son apply simple mindfulness exercises to calm or relax himself when he feels upset or anxious. I can attest that mindfulness has given him a tool to soothe himself.
A.H. Parent of 5th grade student
[My daughter] talks to me at home about what she has learned, and uses the education and techniques in daily life to deal with stressful events with sports, friends and school work.
I think that teaching younger kids helpful and healthy ways to deal with the stresses that they will face is extremely important.
J.K. Parent of 5th grade student